We are one of the best Independent Schools in Vancouver that helps its students with admissions to the top US universities. Our results speak for themselves. Take a look at the achievements of our US Admissions Counsellor in helping students with admissions to the best US universities.
1) Stanford University accepted 7 students.
2) Yale University accepted 3 students.
3) MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) admitted 2 students.
4) Harvard University accepted 1 student.
5) Princeton University accepted students.
And these are only the top 5 results. There are many more such laurels when it comes to admission to US universities.
The following are some highlights from last year’s admissions to the best colleges and universities.
• CMU School of Computer Science admitted one student.
• Duke University admitted one student.
• Cornell ED took in one of students.
• New York University ED accepted one student.
• UC – Berkeley Computer Science accepted two students.
• UC- Berkeley Engineering accepted one student.
• Northwestern University and Carnegie-Mellon University admitted one student.
• Colby College admitted one student.
Over the last two years, he has had admissions to prestigious universities like University of Pennsylvania ED, University of Chicago ED, and Columbia-Julliard ED.
As one of the leading Independent Schools Vancouver, we strive to help our students with their US university admissions. This is why we have appointed a well-experienced counselor for US University admissions who has delivered significant results. It’s now time to meet him!
Our Admissions Counselor for US University Admissions is Aman Dang.
Here’s a brief profile of Dang that tells you why he is the right person for this job. Of course, his track record speaks for himself.
Dang previously worked at MIT as an admission counselor. He has twelve years of rich experience in admissions and counseling. Born in Hong Kong with work experience in 4 countries, he has the right kind of international background needed for this job. He knows exactly what it takes to get admission to the best international universities.
He brings in his experience and helps students prepare for admission to top US universities. He follows a very distinctive student-centric approach to counseling. He is very clear that the university application is not merely a documentation exercise but is an opportunity for students to discover themselves and reflect. He has a clear focus, which is to ensure students get a transformative education. This will help them acquire the skills and the self-awareness they need to achieve their goals.
His educational background of a B.A from Colby College and an Ed. M in International Education Policy from Harvard University makes him the best person for this job.
Studying at one of the best Independent Schools Vancouver like our school will make your work of getting admission to a top US university easy. Our admission counselor will help you do this in a seamless way.
If you are interested to pursue your university education in the USA, then please get in touch with us. We will help you build a personalized admissions plan.

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